Reno’s biggest and favorite “Ladies Day to Play” is back!!
And it is your chance to get your business in front of thousands with both Sponsorship and Vendors opportunities!
Reno Media Group is proud to present, once again, Divas’ Day Out!
Saturday, March 22nd 2025 at Grand Sierra Resort’s 2nd floor Grand Ballroom, from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Get your business involved: email EVENTS@RENOMEDIAGROUP.COM OR CALL 775-829-1964!!!
Divas’ Day Out will showcase over 100+ businesses, on-site, for shopping, information on health, fitness, beauty, fashion, motherhood, finance, education, career and more!
Not to mention….free parking, amazing giveaways and nonstop entertainment ALL DAY for all those 18+ attendees! ALL the things that women need, want and love!
We provide all of this so your potential customers can spend more money with your business!!
How are we getting women to this event you ask? With over $85,000+ in radio, social media and website advertising across all 9 of our local radio stations promoting Divas’ Day Out!! Reno Media Group has Northern Nevada’s largest group of radio stations including five of the top female radio stations in Reno. And newly added this year with multiple digital advertising promoting Divas’ Day Out!
No other event in town can afford that kind of promotion!
Sponsorship Opportunities Available:
All sponsorships include:
Inclusion in radio promotional announcements promoting Divas’ Day Out!
Logo/Name inclusion in event promotional materials, including fliers, signage, web, social media, and throughout the entire event!
Prime size and location to showcase your product!
A complimentary radio campaign for your business!
Category exclusivity and first right of refusal for next year!
Vendor Booth Opportunities:
All booth spaces include black pipe and draped area with 8′ skirted table, chairs, wastebasket, sign, high speed internet, power strip and extension cord w/5amps, temporary special events city of Reno business license.
10′ x 10′ Booth
10′ x 10′ End Booth (end of row)
10′ x 20′ Double Booth
10′ x 20′ Double End Booth (end of row)
Space is limited!
All vendor opportunities also have the option of adding a radio advertising schedule to further promote your business at a great value!
If you are looking to be a part of the excitement as one of our Official Sponsors or Vendors for Divas’ Day Out, email events@renomediagroup.com.
A Reno Media Group representative will contact you shortly to finalize the process.
*Please note payment is due in advance to hold space.
Thank you for your interest in Divas’ Day Out